1835 Chronic asthma in adults

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Alterations  of forced  vital  capacity  (FVC) and one-second forced expiratory volume  (FEV1) forms part of the alterations present in chronic asthma. In  an area that is aggressive  for the health of the asthmatic patients  as the city of Mexico for its  height, air pollution,  overpopulation and migratory  flows, the evolution  of this  disease to  be different to other people  living in other places  with characteristics  less damaging their environment.  We used spirometry system to study 50 patients staying more than 5 years in the Valley of Mexico

with diagnosis of moderate persistent asthma.  Measurmenet made to that end of the values of FVC and FEVi in early morning without using bronchodilators and steroids systemic or topical. Statistic :  Missing System.   Results:  35 females and 15 males, aged between 18 and 81 years old  Standard dev, in female 12.91, mean 39, Standard dev. In male: 13.44, mean 35.5. He won the following most common pattern: Bronchial Hyperreactivity+ normal spirometry  39% in females. Male  sex in the peripheral  moderate obstruction+ bronchial hyrresponsiveness in 33%. Conclusion: In  both sexes the prevalence is the obstruction from mild,  moderate  and   severe.   Most  patients had  bronchial hyperreactivity.