1201 Connections of asthma and respiratory infections in bosnian children

Wednesday, 8 December 2010


BACKGROUND: Asthma is the most common chronic childhood illness. The kids patient exhibits prolonged expirations, increased use of accessory muscles for breathing, barrel chest, tachypnea, cyanosis, wheezing, exertional dyspnea, scattered rhonchi, coarse crackles and late-stage clubbing.Colds are caused by many types of viruses causing virtually the same symptoms.

METHODS: The main issue in diagnosis is differentiating respiratory viruses, which cause most cases, from bacterial infection such as pneumonia comparing with asthma , which would benefit from treatment with antibiotics, and from influenza, for which antivirals are effective. Gram stain of the sputum is necessary in all but the most severe cases of asthma and other respiratory diseases such as upper and lower respiratory infection .

RESULTS:  The severity of the asthma will depend on the amount of lung tissue involved and type of  pneumonia or severity chronic obstructive lung disease in children. During period 2005-2009, 8864 children  with respiratory syncytial virus, 625 with influenza virus, 1813 with parainfluenza virus, and 1902 with adenoviruses were evaluated in connection with asthma  at Primary Children's Medical Center Sarajevo, First Medical Aid and Pediatrics Clinic Sarajevo.

DISCUSSION: The diagnostic labeling of presumed nonbacterial upper and lower respiratory tract infection is unclear.     

CONCLUSIONS: Empiric treatment with antibiotics is to be considered only for critically ill kids asthmatic patients.. Treatment is often empiric and based on history and examination. The rapid spread of antibiotic resistance in community pathogens has underscored the urgency for reducing unnecessary antibiotic use. Childhood asthma is a heterogeneous disease, which can start early or late in childhood and be transient or persistent.

KEY WORDS: Asthma , Respiratory infections, Children, Diagnostic.