The present study are developed to explore the broad expectrum of the clinical picture of children presenting symptoms exclusively breastfed .
Methods:From January 2009 to January 2011, charts from 24 children, age 0 to 6 months, diagnosed with breast milk enteropathy where selected. All children where exclusively breast fed since birth.
Results:The symptomatology related to the GALT, was blood in stools present 58,3% of the patients. Gastro-oesofageal reflux, was present in 41% of the patients, abdominal pain in 33.3%, diarrhea in 20.5% , constipation in16.6% , bulky stools, flatus and vomiting in 12.5%, colics and nauseas in 8,3% and hiccups in 4,1%.
In the BALT system, the respiratory tract show snoring and rhinitis present in 16,6% of the patients, followed by sinusitis and excess of catarrh with 8,3% and asthma and chronic couth with 4,1%.
In the SALT system, the skin show as the most frequent alteration the atopic eczema with a prevalence of 16.6%, followed by eczema of folds in 12,5%, pallor, erythema of the cheeks, perioral erythema and seborrheic dermatitis where present in 8,3% of the cases.
In the genetic background the family history of allergy show rhinitis present in both parents, in 37.4% of the father and 8,3% of the mother, intolerance to food in 16.6% of the mothers versus 8,3% of fathers. Asthma was present in 25% of the mothers versus 20,4% in the fathers.
The present study design to explore the broad expectrum of the clinical picture of children exclusively breastfed reveal that the spectrum of the desease.