2082 Efficacy of sublingual immunotherapy in house dust mite sensitive allergic rhinitis and mild bronchial asthma patients

Monday, 8 December 2014
Exhibition Hall-Poster Area (Sul America)

Manimaran Marappan , Pulmonology and Allergy, Na, CHENNAI, TN, India

Background:    To Evaluate Clinical efficacy of Sublingual Immunotherpay in House Dust Mite Sensitive Asthmatics and AllergicRhinitis patients.

Methods: 86 Patients with features of Mild Bronchial Asthma and Allergic Rhintis {Skin prick test for House Dust Mite -D.Farinae  and D. Pteronyssinus were positive} were divided in to 2 groups. 48 Patients received Sublingual drops of purified   standard Allergen Extract preparation  over the period of 3 yrs.. other group of 38 were given placebo for the same period..At the end of 3 yrs and 4 yrs assessment of Clinical efficacy  done.. The following parameters like Symtoms Medication Score, Pulmonary Function study and Repeat Skin Prick test were considered for the assessment.

Results: Group of Patients treated with House Dust Mite extracts showed significant reduction in Symptom Medication score at the end of 3  and 4 yrs. .Also showed significant improvement in FEV1 and FVC  at the end 3 and 4 yrs.. Skin Prick test at the end of 3 yrs showd minimal reduction in Wheal diameter when comparing old Skin prick test...No significant side effects  except few local (sublingual) reactions for initial few days of drops.

Conclusions: Sublingual Immunotherapy is effective and potential therapy for House Dust Mite Sensitive Allergic Rhinitis and Mild Bronchial Asthma and it is safer too.