1078 Determination of Nitric Oxide Levels From a Single Breath, in Indian Asthmatic Children

Friday, 7 December 2012
Hall 4 (HICC)

Asha Pherwani , Pediatrics and Allergy, P D HINDUJA, India

Background: The diagnostic methods available to diagnose asthma are not suitable for children.


Criteria for Inclusion: Children between 5-10 years were enrolled if they currently

had symptoms of asthma The parents scored the items of the  quality of life

Questionnaire  (PAQLQ).

A hand held Analyzer was used to determine the FeNO in the breath.

Interpretation of the test was as follow:  low=<5, normal 5-20, intermediate=20-35,

And significant inflammation=>35) parts per billion


The mean FeNo levels of the asthmatics was significantly higher (p=,<.00.5).

(ppb=37.8;SEM=4.3) than controls (ppb=25.6;SEM=2.2).

The positive and the negative predicted value of the test were 89.4%

(sensitivity=83%) and 58.7% (specificity=75%)respectively.

Two groups were discernible: Group A; FeNO > 30 and Group B: FeNO< 30 ppb. The ratio of average value of the 2 groups were compared for the symptoms:

as follows: Breathlessness= 2.7, Wheezing= 1.3, Nocturnal Cough= 1.2, cough during play / crying=2.0, coughs a lot=1.1 and dust 1.1.  Group A had significantly more breathlessness, Cry-Play-Cough and Nocturnal cough than Group B as

confirmed  by tests of significance and t-values as follows: Breathlessness 99.9%

Cry-Play-Cough=97.2%, Nocturnal cough:72.8% and t-values: reathlessness=4.40. Cry-Play-Cough=2.36, Nocturnal Cough:     1.13’


FeNO levels can diagnose asthma and can be for follow up of asthma