3071 Examination of Late Pulmonary Toxicity in Children Treated for Malignancies

Friday, 16 October 2015
Hall D1 Foyer (Floor 3) (Coex Convention Center)

Agnes Nemeth, MD , 2nd Department of Pediatrics, Semmelweis University, Faculty of Medicine,, Budapest, Hungary

Gabor Kovacs , Semmelweis University, 2nd Department of Pediatrics, Professor, Hungary

Judit Muller , Semmelweis University, 2nd Department of Pediatrics, Associate Professor, Hungary

Monika Csoka , Semmelweis University, 2nd Department of Pediatrics, Docens, Hungary

The chemotherapeutical drugs and the therapeutic irradiation can demage the lungs during the anticancer therapy of childhood malignancies.

The present investigation was based on a survey in 2005, in which the authors found pulmonary function abnormalities in survivors of childhoood cancer who were treated with anticancer therapy.

The purpose of the present study was to follow- up childhood cancer survivors and detect late pulmonary toxicity.

Lung function test was performed with spirometry in 26 survivors participated in this study (10 felames, 16 males, mean age 19,4 years at the time of second follow-up evaluation). The avarage time periods from treatment until the first and second follow-up evaluation were 4.5 and 10 years, respectively.

The authors found 14 patients with pathological pulmonary function test results at the time of the first follow-up evaluation from which 7 patients had obstructive, 5 patients had mixed and 2 patients had restrictive abnormalities. However there were only 6 patients who had abnormal pulmonary function at the time of the second follow-up evaluation ( 2 patients with obstructive and 4 patients with restrictive pulmonary function test )

Restrictive pulmonary disorder was detected in only small part of treated patients. The obstructive pulmonary abnormalities caused by the treatment showed an improving tendency over time.