3077 The Follow up of the Potential Immunosuppressant Effects of Marijuana (MJA)

Friday, 16 October 2015
Hall D1 Foyer (Floor 3) (Coex Convention Center)

Ishaq M, MD PhD , Pulmonology, Al-Junaid Medical Center Kpk, Nowshera, Pakistan

Sameera MI Khan, MD , Consultant Inova, Alexandria, VA

Imran Khan , Unknown, Cardiac Care Center, Falls Church, VA

Sabeen Khan , George Washington Hospital, Washington DC, DC

The Long standing use of Marijuana may cause acute & chronic bronchitis, premalignant transformation of the bronchial lining mucosa, excessive assembly of macrophages, diminished efficacy of the immune effecter cells in the production of the inflammatory cytokines and defensive mechanism. The principal consequences of the long term use of MJA are protracted pulmonary infection and neoplastic malformation. Pulmonary infection results from the impaired mucociallary clearance reduced immunological function of the macrophages and the contamination of the MJA products by mixed flora of the pathogens (fungal and bacterial microorganisms).Individuals with AIDS may have additional susceptibility to pathogens. The drastic changes as regards to infectious and neoplastic malformation were more amongst MJA along with tobacco use than MJA use alone.

MJA contains an immunosuppressant tetrahydrocannabinolamine (THC) impairing the immunological reactivity of the T-Killer cells, macrophages and  T lymphocytes and production of the immunoinhibitory helper T  cells, type -2 cytokines, interleukin-10 and interleukin-4. It is presumable that THC works to impair the immunological efficacy thereby promoting host invasion by bacterial pathogens. This may be consequent upon the recurrent pulmonary infection in MJA users.

Results: The short term use of MJA may have different outcomes than long term use.

Conclusions: The active principal as derived from MJA when used in patients with AIDS may have some beneficial role as regards appetite improvement and pain relief.