Since 2006, Institute is actively working in this direction gradually after the World Allergy Organization (WAO) presented the apparatus - Burkhard Pollen Trap (UK) to the Institute .
Research is actively continued in this direction and the results are published periodically in international journals and became public as the reports at scientific congresses.
According to the all above-mentioned, the aim of the study at this stage is as follows: identification of specific aeropollutants and elaboration of annual calendar of plants blossoming for the reality of Imereti region.
In this study have been involved 69 patients of different ages (among them 34 males and 35 females) with allergic rhinitis and asthma, who applying to the S/R Institute of Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology of Academy of Sciences of Georgia (Tskaltubo, Georgia) for allegro-diagnostics, revealed increased levels for Phadiatop in blood, on the existence of atopic allergen only to the inhaled allergen.
The study covered the following allegro-diagnostic stages:
I stage - For precise verification of the allergen, patient's blood serum was examined on a particular specific-IgE antibodies by modern automated system - "Immuno CAP 100" (PHADIA, Switzerland).
II stage - Monitoring of the concentration of aeropoluments was conducted by using aeropolinometer “Burkard Trap” (Great Britain)
The analysis of the laboratory results, obtained through the automated system "ImmunoCAP 100"* showed that the studied patients had high titers of specific IgE on the weeds (Wx2) - ambrosia, plantain, absinth, atriplex 47 (68%); tree dust (Tx9) - alder, lactarius piperatus, nuts, oak, willow - 21 (30%); cereals (Gx1) - festuca pratensis, lolium temulentum, timoti grass, poa - 19 (28%).
A specific IgE concentration was detected for each positive panel, to reveal the concrete allergen.
The mentioned patients were provided with: the data of aero-polinometer- "Burkard Trap", annual calendar for distribution of aeroallergens reflecting concentrations of blossoming plant-trees and atmospheric aerosols in the air in Imereti region at a given period of time.