Objectives: The main objective of this study was to assess the sensitivity to common pollen allergens in patients with Allergic Rhinitis (AR) patients visiting the ENT Allergy clinic in a tertiary care hospital in urban Bangalore.
Material and method: A detailed history of the symptoms of AR and clinical examination was carried out for each patient. The ARIA classification was used for elucidating the severity of AR. We also performed a nasal smear test for eosinophilia and skin prick testing.
Result: Out of the 100 patients with AR, 59% of the patients had persistent AR, out of which 46% were of moderate-severe persistent AR. The overall rate of sensitisation to any allergen was 95.2 %. The most prevalent aeroallergen sensitization was found to be Parthenium hysterophorus (33%), Amaranthus spinosus (23%), Eucalyptus (21%), Cynodan dactylon (20%), followed by Casuarina equisetifolia (19%).
Conclusion: Bangalore has a high prevalence of AR. The successful treatment of this condition needs appropriate diagnosis and therefore a better understanding of the aeroallergen spectrum and sensitivity patterns.