The purpose of this study is to document the impact of a grass allergy immunotherapy tablet (AIT) on the symptom severity in patients with severe allergic rhinitis (SAR) and persistent allergic asthma (PAA).
METHOD: This study included 22 adults, aged 20-45 yrs, with PAA and SAR who met the following inclusion: ≥ two severe asthma exacerbations requiring oral corticosteroids while receiving high dose ICS (≥ 1600 ug BECLOMETHAZONE daily or equivalent), additional controller medications (long acting B2 agonist) during one year prior to screening. Patients were examined at baseline and received a tablet 300IR (GRAZAX® ALK or ORALAIR® Stallergènes SA) approximately 2 months before the expected start of the grass pollen season in Réunion Island and then throughout the season between November 2013/April 2014 and November 2014/April 2015.
RESULTS: AIT significantly reduced scores from baseline in ocular and nasal symptoms. Reductions were also seen in the asthmatic scores: improvement of FEV1 (p<0.05 of predicted values) and breathlessness scores (p=0.0002). The asthma quality-of-life (AQLQ) questionnaire scores improved from baseline after AIT: p=0.003. At the final visit only 24% had daily activity impairment and 34% had some sleep impairment.
CONCLUSION : The Pre-Coseasonal treatment with 5-grass AIT showed effective symptom control in severe persistent allergic asthma. Symptoms of comorbidities such as rhinitis and conjunctivitis were decreased.