4017 Pattern of Positive Sensitization in Patient with Asthma and Rhinitis to 3600 Msnm (La Paz-Bolivia)

Wednesday, 7 December 2011
Poster Hall (Cancún Center)

Abel Marcelo Moncada Alcon, MD , Pediatric Allergy, Allergist Pediatrician, La Paz, Bolivia



In the high altitude exists very few studies about allergies, we seek to give to know our sensitization in population with breathing problems (asthma and Allergic Rhinitis) 


They were carried out allergy tests to 94 patients between 6 and 13 years with breathing symptoms predominantly allergic rhinitis and asthma. They were carried out allergy tests to foods like peanut, wheat, almond, tomato, milk, fish, soya, nuts, corn egg, chocolate, dog epithelia, cat, rabbit, feathers, horse, dermatophagoides spp, blatella, periplaneta pollens: lolium, poa, cynodon, festuca, ambrosia, artemisa, plantago, chenopodium, rumex, zea mays, populus, cupressus, platanus, fraxinus, schinus, dactylis, and mushrooms like it would alternate, aspergillus and cladosporium. They took positive all hive bigger than 3 mm of diameter. 


Of the alone 94 patients 9 gave negative to the tests, 88 positive%. In the foods the milk prevails (lactoglobuline 39%; casein 21%) tomato 33%, fish. almond and wheat 23% peanut and nuts less than 10%. In the epithelia: cat 20%. Dermatophagoides 46%, pollens grasses lolium 13% and poa 14%, other pollens important festuca, chenopodium and dactylis with 21 to 23%, trees less than 15% and mushrooms with less than 15%. 

You begins handling predominantly according to this tests to dematophagoides, poa, lolium, festuca, dactylis, mushrooms and cat epithelium since their reactions were similar to the positive challenge of histamine. It is necessary to mention that the diagnoses were alone allergic Rinitis on the whole in 60%, asthma allergic single 10% and asthma and rinitis 30%. 


Although this is a closed population,  it guides us that to 3600 m.s.n.m. the allergen more frequent is dermatophagoides, and  many articles refers that to high altitude we are liberated of the mites but it is not this way. Another important discovery is the positive to milk, tomato and very little to other foods that it is part of our population's diet. They are data that deserve the attention and we will continue advancing in finding other factors of risk, clinic and prevalence.