4148 Efficacy of Mite Sublingual Immunotherapy In 130 Children with Atopic Dermatitis

Wednesday, 7 December 2011: 13:30 - 00:00
Bacalar (Cancún Center)

Jianping Tang, MD, phD , Dermatology, Hunan Children's Hospital, Changsha,Hunan, China

Background: Atopic dermatitis(AD) is a chrinic inflammatory skin disease with increasing prevalence.The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy and safety of mite sublingual immunotherapy(SLIT) in children with atopic dermatitis(AD).

Methods:   A total of 178 AD patients IgE-proved (class ≥3 ) Dermatophogoicles farinae sensitization.The treatment group (n=130, 87 male and 43 female, age 2.5 to 14, SCORAD>7)were given sublingual drops of Dermatophogoicles farinae . They received increasing doses and concentration. Conventional treatment were added in the beginning. The 48 AD cases in the control group were treated with conventional drugs. The treatment time of SLIT is from 7 months to 2.5 years.

Results: In the 130 patients of treatment group,18 cases were  considered cured, 39 got a marked effect, 58 were effective and 15 got no effect, for a total effective rate of 88.46%(115/130). In the control group,  8 got a marked effect, 20 were effective and 20 got no effect, the total effective rate was 58.33%(28/48). There is a statistically significant difference between the treatment group and the control group(p©‚0.05).The patients’ status of asthma and / or allergic rhinitis were improved after their received the sublingual immunotherapy. And no emergence of new allergic diseases or  significant side effects.

Conclusions:  SLIT appears to be an effective treatment of children with AD.