4132 Asthma Knowledge Among Parents and/or Caregivers of Asthmatic Children Attending A Practical Allergy Course

Wednesday, 7 December 2011
Poster Hall (Cancún Center)

Eunice Sandoval-Ramírez, MD , Pediatric allergy and clinical Immunology, Hospital Infantil de México "Federico Gomez", Mexico, Mexico

Mayra Alondra Livano Prez, MD , Pediatric Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Hospital Infantil de Mexico Federico Gomez, Mexico City, Mexico

Gabriela Tercero-Quintanilla, PhD , Psychiatry and Adolescent Medicine, Hospital Infantil de Mexico Federico Gomez, Mexico City, Mexico

Miguel Angel Rosas-Vargas, MD , Pediatric Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Hospital Infantil de Mexico Federico Gomez, Mexico City, Mexico

Blanca del Rio, MD , Pediatric Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Hospital Infantil de Mexico Federico Gomez, Mexico City, Mexico

Jaime Mariano del Río-Chivardí, MD , Pediatric Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Hospital Infantil de Mexico Federico Gomez, Mexico City, Mexico


Asthma is one of the most frequent chronic diseases, with worldwide prevalence of 1 - 18%. Patient and the patient’s family education is considered by all International Guides fundamental to achieve this disease control. The aim of this study is to asses the asthma knowledge among parents and/or caregivers of pediatric asthmatic patients before and after attending to a Practical Allergy Course given at Hospital Infantil de Mexico Federico Gomez by the Pediatric Allergy Department.


Transversal Study that included 115 persons attending to a Practical Allergy Course that answered the previously validated instrument to asses the asthma knowledge among parents or caregivers NAKQ (Newcastle Asthma Knowledge Questionnaire); it’s spanish version consisting in 31 questions; before and after the practical course. A descriptive annalysis was made; usefullness of the course was determinated by x2. Stadistical packagge used was SPSS 17.


A total of 115 questionnaires were applied, only 99 were properly answered and were included in the analysis; from these 35 were male and 64 female; 80% with high-school and middle school schooling; 92% were small families with 1 to 3 children; 90% of the families had only one child with asthma; 63% was receiving the practical course for the first time. Before attending the practical course the mean answered questions was 30 and after attending the mean answered questions was 31 (LR= 57.465; P<  0.000); for  the first evaluation the mean correct answers was 19 and the latter 22 correct answers, finding statistical significant differences (LR=30.253; P <0.000).


We found improved asthma knowledge among parents and caregivers of asthmatic children after attending to a Practical Allergy Course.